Hall Reservation for Private Events
To make reservations for MAB’s multipurpose hall for your private events, please contact us


And of His signs is that He has created for you, from yourselves, mates, so that you may repose in them. And He has set between you genuine love and mercy. Indeed, in this there are sure signs for those who reflect. (Qur’an, 30:21)
For more information, please email us.
With a team of qualified scholars, MAB offers pre-marital, marital & family counseling, as well as religious consultation to all of our community members.
Contact our Resident Scholars to make an appointment.
MAB provides professional counseling in collaboration with Khalil Center. The Khalil Center approach is to offer a holistic integrative approach to counseling/therapy. We welcome spiritually integrated interventions and draw from the psychological literature on best practices for counseling/therapy.

Special Needs

MAB partners with MUHSEN, a nonprofit umbrella organization serving children and adults with any intellectual, mental, or physical disability. Muhsen’s aim is to establish an inclusive and accessible environment for individuals with disabilities and their families. Muhsen will assume an active role to advocate and educate, conduct training, and implement programs and services across North America to improve the experience within mosques, conventions, related classes and events, as well as to engender a positive and welcoming community for people with disabilities.
We would like to know the requirements of Special Need Families in our community. If you have a family member with Special Needs, please click on the link below to fill out the MUHSEN Special Needs Assessment Survey. If you know of a family in our community who has a family member with special needs, please share the survey link with them. All responses are confidential and will only be provided to the Muhsen team.
MUHSEN Special Needs Assessment Survey
For more information about MUHSEN and providing support to special needs for community members, please watch this video with Sheikh Omar Suleiman or visit www.muhsen.org.
Special Needs Weekend School
For more information or to enroll please email the coordinator.
Zakat Distribution
“Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them” (Qur’an 9:103).
Zakat is a form of alms-giving treated in Islam as a religious obligation or tax, which, by Quranic ranking, is next after prayer in importance. As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, zakat is a religious duty for all Muslims who meet the necessary criteria of wealth.
Contact us at treasurer@bolingbrookmasjid.com

Islamic Q&A
Reach out to one of our Resident Scholar with any questions or concerns you might have in regard to dīn.
Contact our Resident Scholar at imam@bolingbrookmasjid.com or meet them in-person at either of our masajid.
For expert advice or a fatwa, MAB partners with Darul Qasim’s Darul Iftāʿ to take care of your spiritual needs.


The Interfaith & Outreach Committee of the MAB aims to foster a better understanding of Islam and Muslims among our friends and neighbors of different faiths. We organize several community outreach programs throughout the year. Our primary goal is to promote open dialogue and facilitate a greater understanding of Islam and Muslims. We also participate in events that benefit the community at large. We are an active volunteer-driven committee that strives to build mutual respect and understanding among people of different faiths and to increase the acceptance of others. We are proud to be a part of the American diaspora and we aim to enrich our common values.
MAB holds and exciting set of dawah and outreach programs catering towards educating others about Islam in collaboration with GainPeace.
If you would like to visit either or both of our masjid facilities, contact us at interfaith@bolingbrookmasjid.com
“Verily, we belong to God and we will surely return to Allah.” (Qur’an 2:156) Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah (swt). Our lives, our possessions and our families are Allah’s gifts to us. These are trusts of Allah (swt) given to us in this world. Allah with His mercy allows us to benefit from these trusts for a predetermined period of time. Allah (swt) with His wisdom takes away these trusts as He sees appropriate. Allah (swt) knows and we know not. Death is the surest event that occurs in every human’s life. Death is inevitable and unpredictable. Nobody knows when death will come to him or her.
Please contact Br. Awais Chaudhry at (630) 479-4221 or other committee members.

Social Needs
Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment” (Quran 5:2).
MAB strives to help those in need in various ways. Some of the ways in which we show our gratitude are:
If you need assistance with anything, contact us at info@bolingbrookmasjid.com