Connect community youth with the Masjid through activities that will benefit them by demystifying the education/learning and career choices related to computer science and technology.
Geared towards Middle School High School students who are interested in computer science-related disciplines.
- Learning
- Programming and topics like AI, Algorithms, IoT, Cyber Security, Data Science, etc.
- Hands-on experience by building projects
- Programming competitions to promote excellence
- Create SIGs (Special Interest Groups) focused on platforms, languages, interest areas like AI, Security, Robotics, Arduino, Raspberry PI, etc.
- Career Counseling
- Provide guidance to High School students on a variety of career options
- Help simplify education and training options
- Networking
- Between youth to help each other and share experiences
- Between youth and professionals to provide guidance, share experiences, and to help with opportunities like internships, research opportunities, etc.
- Community Contribution
- Long term goal is to offer assistance to the community by supporting small and new businesses with IT-related solutions like websites, apps, network setup, etc.
- This is a youth-led club geared towards Middle School to High School students
- Initially, there will be the following roles:
- Club President
- Club Secretary
- Event Director
- Volunteers
- Member
- Member of Professional Advisory Council
- Finances
- There will be a fee to cover the club expenses – TBD
- Club strives to be financially independent and self-sustaining
- All club finances will be under the umbrella of MAB and will be governed by MAB guidelines on financial transactions
- Club meeting will be conducted every other week on Saturdays
- The exact time is still under review but expected to be around mid-morning
- Depending on the numbers, age groups, and skill level members might be put in different teams/groups
- On the initial launch, membership will be capped between 10 – 12 for High School students and 10 for Middle School students. As the club activities and operations mature we will be able to open it up for more participants
- Meetings and events will follow the state and MAB guidelines for COVID safety in force during the time of meetings and events
- Meetings might be conducted online over zoom and/or in person, this is still being worked on
- If meetings are in person, they will be conducted outdoors under the tents with MAB safety guidelines (distance, mask, etc.)
- To participate membership has to be active, no exception to this rule
What’s Next?
• Open House is on Sunday, 9/06/2020 at 11:00 am
o Meeting will be outdoors under the tents following state and MAB safety guidelines.
o Masks will be required. Please refrain from congregating before and after the meeting.
• Membership
o Forms will be available on 9/6/2020 around 6:00 pm
Membership form can only be completed and submitted online
Membership dues can only be paid online
Due to limited capacity membership will be granted based on first come first serve basis
o For the initial launch:
High School age group will be limited to 12 members
Middle School age group will be limited to 10 members
Once the club has been established, additional membership opportunities will be made available
• Please visit this page frequently for details as things are still in flux and changing