(630) 759-7351


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21 Jan. (20 Rajab)
MAB Comp-Sci Club


Connect community youth with the Masjid through activities that will benefit them by demystifying the education/learning and career choices related to computer science and technology.


Geared towards Middle School High School students who are interested in computer science-related disciplines.

  • Learning
    • Programming and topics like AI, Algorithms, IoT, Cyber Security, Data Science, etc.
    • Hands-on experience by building projects
    • Programming competitions to promote excellence
    • Create SIGs (Special Interest Groups) focused on platforms, languages, interest areas like AI, Security, Robotics, Arduino, Raspberry PI, etc.
  • Career Counseling
    • Provide guidance to High School students on a variety of career options
    • Help simplify education and training options
  • Networking
    • Between youth to help each other and share experiences
    • Between youth and professionals to provide guidance, share experiences, and to help with opportunities like internships, research opportunities, etc.
  • Community Contribution
    • Long term goal is to offer assistance to the community by supporting small and new businesses with IT-related solutions like websites, apps, network setup, etc.


  • This is a youth-led club geared towards Middle School to High School students
  • Initially, there will be the following roles:
    • Club President
    • Club Secretary
    • Event Director
    • Volunteers
    • Member
    • Member of Professional Advisory Council
  • Finances
    • There will be a fee to cover the club expenses – TBD
    • Club strives to be financially independent and self-sustaining
    • All club finances will be under the umbrella of MAB and will be governed by MAB guidelines on financial transactions


  • Club meeting will be conducted every other week on Saturdays
  • The exact time is still under review but expected to be around mid-morning
  • Depending on the numbers, age groups, and skill level members might be put in different teams/groups
  • On the initial launch, membership will be capped between 10 – 12 for High School students and 10 for Middle School students. As the club activities and operations mature we will be able to open it up for more participants
  • Meetings and events will follow the state and MAB guidelines for COVID safety in force during the time of meetings and events
  • Meetings might be conducted online over zoom and/or in person, this is still being worked on
  • If meetings are in person, they will be conducted outdoors under the tents with MAB safety guidelines (distance, mask, etc.)
  • To participate membership has to be active, no exception to this rule

What’s Next?
• Open House is on Sunday, 9/06/2020 at 11:00 am
o Meeting will be outdoors under the tents following state and MAB safety guidelines.
o Masks will be required. Please refrain from congregating before and after the meeting.

• Membership
o Forms will be available on 9/6/2020 around 6:00 pm
 Membership form can only be completed and submitted online
 Membership dues can only be paid online
 Due to limited capacity membership will be granted based on first come first serve basis

o For the initial launch:
 High School age group will be limited to 12 members
 Middle School age group will be limited to 10 members
 Once the club has been established, additional membership opportunities will be made available

• Please visit this page frequently for details as things are still in flux and changing